What Is a Vitrectomy surgery?

A Vitrectomy is an operation to remove the vitreous humour, the transparent jelly, from inside your eye.

The vitreous is located in the middle of the eyeball, this is behind the iris (the coloured part of your eye) and the lens (sits behind the pupil: the hole in the iris), and it is located in, in front of the retina (the membrane that lines the inside of the eye and works like film or an electronic chip in a camera capturing the image).

There are two types of Vitrectomy Surgery: Full and Limited.

Full Vitrectomy is the commonly used and standard technique used for repairing retinal detachments band removing membranes or haemorrhages. As part of this technique, as much vitreous is detached form the retina and removed; both centrally and peripherally.

Limited Vitrectomy is a new technique which focuses on the removal of only the central part of the vitreous or Core with the Vitreous Opacities or “Floaters” in it and without intentionally detaching it from the retina. The reason for avoiding detaching the vitreous is reducing the risk of intraoperative retinal tears and the subsequent need of intraocular injection of gas during the surgery, which brings a higher risk of peri-operative gas-induced cataract formation. Leaving behind anterior and cortical vitreous is believed to reduce the risk of post-operative late complications.

Prof. Stanga performs the operation under local anaesthetic (patient awake), or conscious sedation (patient awake but relaxed by intravenous sedation through an infusion in the vein of the arm).

Three micro-cannulas will be inserted into the sclera (the white part of the eye) and instruments will be passed through each. These instruments include a microscopic light source, a vitrector device which cuts and aspirates the vitreous a very high speed, and an infusion line which replaces vitreous as it is removed with a special clear fluid similar to the one produced by the eye and which eventually replaces it.

Professor Stanga will aim to remove only part of the vitreous without inducing its detachment from the retina.

The pre surgery preparation time of approximately 20 minutes and the actual surgical procedure normally takes up approximately 30 min.

What Are the Risks of Vitrectomy Surgery?

All treatment for Vitreous Opacities and Floaters are Elective.

It is rare for there to be a medical need for the removal of Vitreous Opacities. For example, when the retina requires treatment and they prevent the surgeon from having a clear visualisation of the retina.

Although serious complications are unusual, there are always risks associated with any form of treatment.

All patients are provided during the Initial Consultation with a copy of all necessary Consent Forms, especially those of the Elective Limited Vitrectomy and YAG Laser Vitriolizes for patient to take home and read at their leisure.

Everything that is listed in any relevant Consent Form is verbally discussed with the patient by Prof. Stanga himself and all patients are provided with Prof. Stanga’s personal mobile phone number for them to contact him at any time should they need any further clarification.

After your Limited Vitrectomy

Your rate of recovery and final outcome are dependent on your pre-operative condition and how well you adhere to the postoperative instructions. Regular administration of eye drops, usually four time a day, over a month from the surgery will be required to reduce inflammation and prevent infection.

Prof Stanga and his Team see all patients the very next day after the procedure to examine the eyes and usually monitor progress at 1-2 weeks. Further follow up appointments will be booked as necessary, including a repetition of all pre-surgery testing for Objective pre with post-surgery comparison purposes.

If you would like to book an appointment at The Retina Clinic London to see Prof. Stanga and know whether you would be eligible for any Treatment of Vitreous Opacities and Floaters, please contact us on (+44) 020 4548 5310 or email us at info@theretinacliniclondon.com